Drop Shipping

Drop shipping allows you to send products directly from your Suppliers to your Customers.

If you want to activate the Drop shipping option, make sure to enable this option in the Company settings (menu Settings > Company settings).

Drop shipping from Sales Orders

You can start a Drop shipping order directly from the Sales order. As you create a Sales order, simply enable the Drop shipping option:

After saving the purchase order, unlike a normal purchase order, you will not be able to create a shipping order, but instead, you can create a purchase order from the sales order.

You can then continue the Drop shipping process by clicking on 'Create Purchase Order'. erplain will generate a Drop shipping Purchase Order from the products and quantities of the sales orders.

Once the products are received by your customer, open the PO and simply click on 'Product(s) received by customer':

Then simply confirm or update the quantity that was received. If not all the products were received, decrease the quantity or remove the product(s):

Once all the products have been received, the status of the purchase order will be "Automatically completed".

A purchase delivery will be created (like other purchase orders) but your inventory will not be increased since the products go directly to your customer.

You can create the invoice from the sales order before or after creating the purchase order.

Drop shipping from Purchase Orders

It is also possible to create a purchase order in Drop shipping mode without going through the sales order, but it will not be possible to create an invoice for your customer. We therefore recommend that you start Drop shipping from the sales order.

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