Sales Reports

Reporting is the starting point to take control of your inventory, improve your sales and make better decisions for your business. 

To access your Intelligence reports, go to menu 'Intelligence':

To help you access your key metrics, erplain provide you with pre-built reports in the intelligence menu: sales reports, overdue invoices report, inventory valuation report and more.

You can customize your sales report to reflect the metrics that are important to you and that you want to access in one click. Simply choose the relevant columns you want in your report and apply any filter.

For example, if you want to track the sales of your most important product and see how your Account Reps perform in selling this product:

  1. Under the 'Sales reports' section click on 'ADD'
  2. Select the columns you want to include: Account Representative, Quantity, Total without tax, etc.
  3. Add filters on the product you want to track
  4. Then, save the report and name it 'Example'

You can now access this report it in one click from the intelligence menu and track the sales of this product.


  • In the example above, you could also have started from any pre-built sales report. In this case, choose the 'Per account representative' report and add a filter on the product to track. Then, click on 'SAVE REPORT' and name your new custom report.
  • erplain lets you export any report to .xlsx or .csv, even the ones that you have customized and saved in erplain. Exporting can be useful if you want to send the data to someone or if you are looking to get additional analysis done in excel.

Notable differences between Dashboard and Sales Reports

Invoiced amounts can vary between the dashboard and sales reports. These differences can be explained by the inclusion or exclusion of certain information and the use of filters.

Invoiced amounts in the dashboard
Sales reports
Canceled invoices*IncludedExcluded
Deposit invoices*IncludedExcluded
Amounts including/excluding taxes
Tax inclusiveTax inclusive or exclusive (based on filters)
NB: Totals "invoiced amounts" are tax exclusive
Credit notes / RefundsExcludedExcluded
Shipping costs
Included or excluded (based on filters)
NB: Totals "invoiced amounts" are exclusive of shipping costs.
Deleted itemsIncluded
Included or ou excluded (bases on filters)

* These invoices appear in the invoice export (Sales menu > Invoices > export).

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