Manage Prices and Price levels

Default price levels

As you are creating a new product, you will be prompted for a purchase price, a wholesale price and a recommended retail price. This is done directly in the product creation form (or editing form). 

Wholesale Price (WP) and Recommended Retail Price (RRP) are the default selling price levels used when creating Estimates, Sales Orders and Invoices. You can assign a price level to each of your customers directly in the customer profile (Menu Contacts > Customers).

Purchase Price (PP) is the default purchasing price level used when creating a Purchase Order.

Custom price levels

In addition to these default price levels, you can add your own custom price levels.  Each product can have a price for B2B customers, B2C customers, distributors, customer A, customer B,… This feature will help you build customer price lists based on the customer category.

To create additional price levels, start by going to the menu Settings > Price levels:

Click on 'Create'.

Select the price level name and the type. The price level for selling will be used in your sales documents and the price level for purchasing will be used in your purchase orders:

Once your new price levels have been created, you can enter your price in the product profile (menu Products > Products):

You can also create a price level specifically to have a price in multiple currencies:

Attribute a price level to a client

Once the price levels have been created and added to your products, you can also attribute a specific price level to any of your clients. By doing that, the prices that you have added for that price level within each product will be automatically added to every document you create in Erplain. To do so, you simply have to go to your client page and edit the specific price level you are looking to give to that client.

Bulk price update

You can update multiple prices for multiple products at the same time from the Price update page (menu Products & Services > Price update):

From this page, you can filter by product or price level for example. Then simply update your prices and save:

Importing your prices

Importing prices for all price levels from a spreadsheet (CSV or XLSX file) is possible from the menu Settings > Import. You can find more information on this page: Updating data.

Price levels for products with variants

You can update the product variant price from the Price update page and directly from the product profile:

Default price levels

In the menu Settings > Company settings, you can select your company's default price levels. 

While you can select the default price levels for your company, erplain will use in priority the price levels that you have assigned to your customers and suppliers.

Price Rules / Advanced prices

In addition to these price levels, erplain lets you create price rules. These rules apply when you are creating sales and purchase documents in erplain. They allow you to change the list price of your products based on conditions like sales location, dates (promotions), or product category. You can find the instructions on how to create price rules on this page: Price rules.

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