The Purchase Order is the document you create when buying products from your Suppliers.
To create a Purchase Order, go to the Menu 'Inventory' > 'Purchase orders':
Then click on 'Create':
It is recommended to start by selecting the supplier as erplain will display automatically the default values (location, currency, taxes, ...) from this supplier.
Next: add the products to the Purchase Order. You can find detailed instructions to add products in this article : Adding products to transactions.
You can then add Notes for your supplier, add Internal notes for you and your team or attach files for later reference.
PDF and email
Once you have created the Purchase Order, you can generate a PDF document by clicking on PDF:
You can then send it by email directly from erplain by clicking on the Actions buttons and "Send by email":
You can change your PDF Settings from the Menu Settings > PDF Settings. More information in this article.
Creating an Purchase Order doesn't change your inventory immediately. Stock levels will only be updated once you receive the products. To acknowledge that you received the products included in the Purchase Order, simply click on 'Receive products', this will generate a 'Purchase Delivery':
Prior to receiving the products, they will be included in the Incoming inventory (displayed in the stock level) and become available once you have created the Purchase Delivery.
For more information about the Purchase Deliveries, please refer to this article: Purchase deliveries.
Product cost
When adding products to your inventory with a Purchase Order, erplain will use the price saved in the 'Purchase Delivery' (created from the PO) to calculate the MAC. erplain calculates the valuation only as your products come in.
You can find more information about the product cost in this article: Tracking your cost.
The Purchase Order status
Active: As soon as you save your Purchase Order, its status will be 'Active'.
Automatically completed: Once you have received all the products from the Purchase Order, its status will change to 'Automatically completed'.
Completed manually: To complete the order manually, simply click on 'Purchase order completed', its status will change to 'Completed manually'. All the products not yet received will be removed from your Incoming inventory and not added to your available and on-hand inventory.
Partially delivered: If you have received some products, but not all the products from the Purchase Order, the status will be 'Partially delivered'.
Cancelled: The order is cancelled and all inventory updates from this purchase order are cancelled as well.
The Purchase Order dashboard
Once you click on the Purchase Order menu, you will see your list of Purchase Orders:
Of course, you can filter your Purchase Orders by status, supplier, location, product,... by selecting the corresponding filters.
For more information about filtering and views, please refer to this article.
Including your Customers in the Purchase order
erplain gives you the ability to include a customer name in the PO. This can help you match the order items with the customers. This can be done for the whole PO:
Or for each product, simply select the customer in the 'Customer' column:
You can also copy the customer from the line above by clicking on this button:
In the case of drop shipping Purchase orders, after you have entered the first item, it will use the customer from the top of the form.
You can duplicate your Purchase Orders should you need to make the same Purchase Order. Simply open any Purchase Order and click on 'Duplicate' from the Actions menu: