Shopify settings

In this section you will find all necessary information in order to configure the integration with Shopify.

Access the Shopify settings

Shopify settings are divided in five categories (tabs). Configuring the integration is done by entering each tab one by one.

1. Stock location
2. Products
3. Customers
4. Custom fields
5. Connection


Before starting to configure Shopify, we invite you to create your price levels and check that your sales locations are correctly set up in both apps.

Access the Shopify settings

Once erplain and Shopify are connected, go to the menu "Apps" and click on "Configure Shopify":


1. Locations

Location mapping (available in the Inventory Tab)
Assign each stock location to its corresponding Shopify location or select "None" if you do not wish to map this location with Shopify.

You can also create your Shopify locations directly from this menu. They will be mapped automatically:  

If you change the location mapping, make sure to Re-Sync the inventory by clicking on "Re-Sync inventory from erplain to Shopify" or "Re-Sync inventory from Shopify to erplain".

IMPORTANT: Please note that orders in Shopify don't have a location assigned to them. The location is only sent to Erplain when the order is fulfilled. In the meantime, Erplain will use the default stock location as selected in the location mapping section. The inventory will be updated in the location selected when you fulfill the order.

2. Products

Price levels
Choose the price level that you wish to use for your Shopify store. If you sell your products to final consumers on Shopify, we recommend you to select "Recommended Retail Price".

If you change the price level used for your Shopify store, make sure to Re-Sync your prices by clicking on "Re-Sync prices (from erplain to Shopify)" or "Re-Sync prices (from Shopify to erplain):

Product import/export
To import your products from Shopify to erplain, click on "Start importing". 

To export your products from erplain to Shopify, click on "Start exporting". 

Product mapping
If similar non-synchronized products exist in both apps, you can map them via a simple product mapping. You can find more information on this page.

3. Customers

Automatic customer creation upon receipt of order
By default, when a new order is created in Shopify, the customer is created in erplain. If you wish not to create each customer in erplain, please enable this option "Prevent customers from being created when a new order is created in Shopify". This will ensure that new orders are assigned to the default customer for all Shopify orders if you wish to keep your client bases separate

You can also import your customers from Shopify to erplain. Click on "Start importing":

Note: erplain uses the email address to match existing customers. If this is a new email address, erplain will create a new customer.

4. Custom fields

Field mapping
You can map certain values in Shopify with a particular field in erplain. For example, you can sync the Shopify field "Supplier" with the erplain fields "Supplier" or "Brand.

Product description sync

Enable or disable the product description sync between erplain and Shopify.

By default, when a product is synced between the two apps, its description is synced as well. In some cases, the long product description from Shopify doesn't need to be synced to erplain as it would sync to other integrated apps (QuickBooks for example). You can disable the description sync with this option:

5. Connection

Click on Disconnect to stop the connection with Shopify. If you disconnect Shopify, your products and stock levels will remain the same (but not synced) on both systems.

6. Connecting Erplain to a new Shopify account - IMPORTANT
Disconnecting your Erplain account from Shopify to connect to a new Shopify account is not supported. We recommend that you either:

1.Open a new Erplain account for the new Shopify store or

2. Delete all the data in your account before connecting Erplain to a new Shopify store.

Once you connect erplain to Shopify, your products are linked, your orders are linked and your customers are linked. You would experience many inventory issues by connecting to a new Shopify account.

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